simson gym
Train like a champion
Ontwikkelingsdoelstelling Simson Gym

Ontwikkelingsdoelstelling Simson Gym Het hoofddoel van Simson Gym is het ontwikkelen van de Thaiboks sport in de breedste zin des woords. Verder is het de bedoeling om de jeugd te stimuleren om te vechten voor hetgeen ze in geloven ongeacht de tegenslagen. De uitwisseling met andere landen is één van de belangrijke tools maar ook een direct goal. Het houdt o.a. in; clinics ( verzorgd door professionals ), wedstrijden, trainingen en ook het participeren in het buitenland. Dit moet als gevolg hebben dat de kwaliteit en kwantiteit van jonge Surinaamse sporters toeneemt. Op zo een manier wordt er ook een goede band tussen de verschillende landen gecreëerd.

Private Training

Angelo Simson has sculpted many fighters and is known for his eye for detail. Angelo Simson developed his methods for technical and tactical execution. During these sessions, the training is tailored to your abilities and goals.

kickboxing fitness for ladies

kick-boxing fitness for ladies

Because kickboxing requires every muscle in your body and mind to peak. We use kickboxing as a base for fitness training. This training is not focused on full-contact or competition, just to keep you fit, sharp and strong.

17:30 - 18:30
17:30 - 18:30
17:30 - 18:30
time slots

Kids Kickboxing

Kids Kick-boxing

For kids starting from 6 years up to 13 years, we think it's important that both boys and girls playfully learn kickboxing skills to protect themselves, be more confident in their abilities, and grow the mindset of a champion.

16:30 - 17:30
14:30 - 15:30
time slots

combat kickboxing

combat kick-boxing

Prepares you for kickboxing battles even if you have to start at point zero where you know nothing of the sport. This is where you learn the basics of kickboxing and prepare yourself like a champion for possible fights in the ring.

18:30 - 19:30
18:30 - 19:30
18:30 - 19:30
time slots

Kickboxing circuit


This training is focused on shaping the entire body, using both kickboxing technique, and resistance training (weights, bodyweight, resistance bands) Challenging both mind and body for men and women. Good for all levels of fitness

1800 - 1900
1800 - 1900
time slots
  • SIMSON GYM Thai Boxing
  • Kickboxing
  • Fight Events
  • Fight Gear
  • Simson Gym Merchandise
  • Seminars
  • Private Training
Simson Gym 2021
Design and Development by Namidi N.V.